
在生氣盎然的馬呼馬呼森林(Mahu-mahoo ) 中,Duma 和他的好朋友每天都無憂無慮過著悠閒的森林小日子。愛邊吃蘋果閱讀看書的 Duma ,最近還愛上喝茶,默默在森林中開設溫暖的【Duma讀讀小茶屋】,招待森林裡的朋友們。單純享受每天悠哉的慢悠悠步調,活在當下的滿足,就很 Mahu-mahoo 精神呦 !

In a vibrant forest – Mahu-mahoo, Duma and his friends have a carefree and leisurely life there. Duma used to have an apple while reading. Recently, he is keen on drinking tea as well. He opens a warn and comfy shop named “Duma’s tea house” to entertain friends in forest. Simply drinking tea and enjoying the moment is the spirit of Mahu-mahoo.




His favorite apple is used to being hidden in his afro that looks like a microphone. ふわふわしているアフロヘアの中に、いつも大好きなリンゴを隠しているよ。

Chi Chi

最喜歡睡在 Duma 溫暖蓬鬆的窩窩頭髮裡。

Duma’s warm and fluffy hair is Chi Chi’s favorite sleeping place. Dumaのふわふわヘアの中に寝るのが大好き!


手腳特別靈活,常炫耀在森林找到的戰利品,喜歡偷偷趁 Duma 睡著的時候,整弄他的頭髮,傻乎乎的 Duma 還以為是自己睡姿太差呢!

Chima is very flexible. He likes to show off the trophies finding in the forest. And he likes to mess up Duma’s hair while he is sleeping. Silly Duma thought it was because of his poor sleeping posture. 動きが素早く、よく森で見つけた物をみんなに自慢する。Dumaが寝ている間に、Dumaの髪の毛をボサボサにする悪戯が大好き。何も知らないDumaは自分の寝相が悪いと、毎回勘違いしてしまいます。


Ruma 很自豪自己胸口的小愛心月紋,他相信這個一定是愛神丘比特在祝福他!

Ruma is proud of his little heart-crescent-shaped on the chest. He believes that it must be the blessing of Cupid. 胸元のハート形の月輪は、きっと愛の神キューピッドの祝福なのよ!


不管做什麼事情,總是盡全力的 Goma,有一撮長得像小毛筆的小頭髮,只要吃得飽飽的,就能飽足能量的噗噗前進。

Goma is always goes for everything. He has a little that looks like a small brush. As long as he eat well, he has enough energy to more forward. どんなことでも全力でやりきるGomaは、筆先みたいにちんまりとした髪型しています。腹いっぱい食べたら、元気いっぱいで前に進められるよ!

Moki & Neki

天生沒牙的 Moki 吃東西總需要弟弟 Neki 的幫忙,慢郎中的個性,做事總是優雅不疾不徐。 Neki 是一個果實行家,憑著松鼠界最長的門牙,總能在嘟嘟悠森林挖到最新鮮的果實。

Moki was born without teeth, so he needs his brother Neki’s help. With a personality of slow man, he does thing gracefully and without haste. Neki is good at fruit. He can always digs the freshest fruits in the forest with the longest incisors in the squirrels world. 生まれつき歯がないMokiは、いつも弟のNekiに食事を手伝ってもらっています。のんびり屋で、常にマイペース。 Nekiは果実の専門家です。リス界で最も長い切歯を持っていて、いつも一番みずみずしい果実を掘り出します。


Duma 擔任嘉義縣政府「2021高山茶都・嘉義」年度代言人,透過逗趣可愛的茶文創設計,拉近民眾與茶文化之間的距離。專屬場館【讀讀小茶屋】,以淺顯易懂的圖像帶領大家了解嘉義茶與咖啡的小知識,濃縮嘉義縣的特色景點與產業在精采的故事櫥窗中。演繹Duma可愛的茶人日常。活動期間更是獨家推出5款「Duma紀念品茗杯」限量搶購。

Duma has served as ambassador for 2021 Chiayi tea exhibition. Through lovely Duma graphics showing the tea culture to make them closer to people. Delivering the basic knowledge of Chiayi tea, coffee, and introducing Chiayi’s scenery and industries by simple graphics showed at Duma’s Tea House. We also launched limit edition of Duma tea cup in 5 styles at the event.


Duma x Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corporation

Duma 曾於 2013 年擔任「高雄捷運」新春活動代言人,與高捷吉祥物 “ U ! FU 永福“ 共同策劃「永福與Duma邀您一起一飛沖天」年節活動,替生冷的捷運空間增添不少喜氣與活力,活動期間更推出「Duma 限量紀念高雄捷運卡」供民眾蒐藏,成功替高雄市府與高捷創下亮點話題。

Duma collaborated with KRTC’s mascot “U! FU”for an annual festival event of 2013. During the event, the limited "duma x U! FU Kaohsiung Metro Card" was launched for the public. We brought joy and vitality to the MRT carriage. The event successfully became a trend topic at that time.

緩! 凝注 天天嘟嘛有幸福

Duma x Carrefour

2014 年 Duma 與國際知名零售集團——家樂福,攜手推出「緩!凝注 天天嘟嘛有幸福 」大型聯名活動,期間全台電視廣告不間斷放送可愛 Duma 宣傳動畫,推出 Duma 紀念年曆手帳本供民眾消費蒐集,最終創下「 六週全台兌換 十萬本 」亮眼成績,成功替品牌贏了聲量與成果。

Duma collaborated with Carrefour in 2014 for redemption promotion program. We designed and produced the promotional item (Duma Daily Planner) and promotional animation for the project. The 100,000 pcs of Duma's Daily Planners were redeemed in six weeks. The event received critical acclaim.

Reading Wonderland

Duma x Eslite Reading Wonderland

Duma 曾連續五年代言台灣連鎖書局—— 誠品書店,擔任誠品小說節、閱讀形象代言人,期間共創出各式經典、別具巧思的聯名企劃,推出令消費者怦然心動的集點贈品,隨著合作的成功,不僅大幅提升營業額與客單價,更協助誠品找到與消費者拉近距離的故事點,時至今日,你我家中或許都能搜出當時的紀念周邊。

Duma has endorsed Eslite Bookstore for five years. Duma served as brand ambassador for Eslite Novel Festival and Reading. The redemption program we did received a great response. It not only improved customer stickiness for Eslite Bookstore, but also significantly increased the turnovers and average order value. Even now, you may still see the promotional products you redeemed at that time in your home.


Charitable Activities


Duma × 上海公益蛋糕 Duma × Shanghai Charity Cake

Duma 連續三年擔任「上海公益蛋糕」代言人,與于美人攜手用愛與希望,以購買主題公益蛋糕的方式,持續讓世界的好事成真,好心循環不斷。

Duma has served as ambassador for the charity cake for three years with celebrity Mrs. Yu. Using the money sold by charity cake to help vulnerable people. Keep the world moving in positive way.