Branding for BonBon 家樂福 自有品牌咖啡

迷母替家樂福打造自有咖啡品牌 - BonBon Coffee
以象徵法國的藍、白、紅三色, 與咖啡杯盤堆疊出巴黎鐵塔的意象,打造獨特的法式印象;一同放慢步調到BonBon Coffee喝杯咖啡,品嚐屬於你的法式悠閒。
MEMES builds the new coffee brand identify for BonBon Coffee, the private coffee brand of Carrefour. Its visual branding is designed with blue, white and red which represent French. It levels coffee cups to create an image the Eiffel Tower, the unique image of French. As BonBon Coffee invites you to relax and have a cup of coffee at BonBon Coffee like a French.
フランス系ハイパーマーケットカルフールの自社カフェブランドーBON BON COFFEEを作り上げました。
BON BON COFFEEでゆっくりリラックスしてみませんか?
- Client家樂福
- Designer趙彥傑、林東泰
- Creative Director趙彥傑
- 2016