迷母豐盛旗下原創角色 《宇宙喵 Kuroro》 連續三年擔任《 台灣癌症希望基金會》癌症攻略 Line chatbot 系列服務代言人;除延續給予癌友的支持與安心感,將 Kuroro化身為小醫師的形象,更引用國際象徵關愛淋巴癌的淺綠絲帶,規劃整體視覺形象。同時將UI體驗進行優化,打造順暢舒適的使用體驗。
Kuroro, the original character of MEMES has endorsed the Line Chatbot service that provided by Hope Foundation for Cancer Care in Taiwan for three years. MEMES creates the visual identity by using the light green ribbon that represents Lymphoma awareness worldwide, and the image of Kuroro as a doctor to support and comfort all patients. MEMES also upgrades the user interface of the application to be more user-friendly for all users.
KuroroXリンパ癌攻略のLine Chatbot
- ClientHOPE台灣癌症希望基金協會
- Designer黃淳鈺、林育任
- Creative Director趙彥傑
- 2020